Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on your journey of faith, you are welcome here.

Adult Formation at St. James Episcopal Church

St. James wichita

Adult Formation

Welcome, and thank you for your interest in Adult Formation at St. James Episcopal Church. Below you’ll find a summary of our many educational opportunities for adults.

Please check back often as we will continue to add classes throughout the year!

Adult Formation St. James Wichita

Adult Forum: Through the Lens of Christianity

Adult Forum is currently virtual on Zoom. Each week we will explore our faith in deeper ways using Scripture, tradition, visual art, and other practices. We are an open-minded group deeply rooted in our love for God and all people. All are welcome to join at any time.

Day and Time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Sundays

Location: Zoom. The Zoom link is posted in the eTower. All people are welcome!

Leader(s): Chelsea Whipple and special guest speakers

Questions? Contact Chelsea at formation@stjameswichita.org 

Basic A

This class will begin in Fall 2021. Basic A (A stands for Anglican) is a course open to anyone who would like to learn more about the Episcopal Church. It is especially good for people who are new to St. James and would like to know more about what we believe and what our history is. This course should make you able to discern if this is the church you should join and in which you should become an active part.

Please call the church at 316-683-5686 to let us know you’d like to be included in our upcoming class.
Anyone who completes this course becomes eligible to be confirmed (or received)* in the Episcopal Church at St. James. *(If you are already confirmed in a church in the apostolic succession, you will be received, instead of confirmed.)

Time and Day: Tuesdays, starting in Fall 2021

Location: TBD

Leader: Mother Dawn Frankfurt

Evening Bible Study

Wednesday evening Bible study meets, well you guessed it, on Wednesdays starting at 6 p.m. It continues until May on Zoom. The Zoom link will be posted in the eTower. Everyone is welcome to join this enriching discussion. The Wednesday evening Bible study is a relaxed discussion of the relevance of Biblical topics to our contemporary lives.

Time and Day: 6 p.m. Wednesdays

Location: Zoom

Leader: Dr. Phil Speary

Contemplative Prayer Group

The Contemplative Prayer Group continues to meet on Monday evenings via Zoom. We start at 5:30 p.m. for a book discussion.

From 6:10 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., we have a silent period of contemplation or “centering prayer.” Please call 316-210-5699 or email marykay.chavez@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like to join. She will be happy to walk you through the mechanics of Zoom and Centering Prayer ahead of time.

Time and Day: Mondays, book study begins at 5:30 p.m. and group starts at 6:15 p.m.

Location: Zoom

Leader: Mary Kay Chavez

Education for Ministry (EfM)

“And now, Father, send us out to do the work you have given us to do, to love and serve you as faithful witnesses of Christ our Lord.” The Book of Common Prayer

St. James is fortunate to offer the seminar Education for Ministry which offers laypersons the opportunity to learn the Bible, the history of Christianity and the Church. Through a program developed by the University of the South, we follow a curriculum, developed over many years, which is rich in readings, thought and reflection.

We meet once a week during the academic year. Until further notice, we meet virtually, through Zoom. If you are interested or have questions about joining us for the 2021-2022 program year, please contact Paul Rillema – paul.rillema@gmail.com – by email or phone 316-634-6945, or Deb Bagby – debagby@gmail.com by email or 316-612-0628.

The program helps to develop an informed and knowledgeable laity. We, as baptized Christians, are called to be participants in the church’s total ministry: worship, service to others and the proclamation of God’s Word to all people. In coming to terms with the notion that everything we do has potential for manifesting the love of Christ, we discover that our ministry is at hand wherever we turn.

EfM covers Old and New Testaments, 2,000 years of church history, and the thoughts of religious scholars. We meet as a “one-room schoolhouse” with Year 1 focusing on OT readings, Year 2 on NT readings, Year 3 on Church history readings and Year 4 on theology understandings of our interactions in the world. This program is administered by the University of the South, and you receive a certificate upon completion of the program. The cost is $350 per year, which includes books of study for each year enrolled in the program. Scholarships and other financial support are available.

Time and Day: 6:30 p.m. Thursdays starting in September.

Location: Zoom

Leaders: Dr. Paul Rillema and Deb Bagby

Graduate EfM

If you have finished the standard EfM course and want to continue in study and fellowship, please consider Graduate EfM. Each year we pick a course of study, usually using a series of taped lectures from The Teaching Company. We augment this with reading, discussion, guest speakers and field trips. The EfM pattern of learning, praying, and sharing treats and the joys and cares of our lives is continued in our group.

Time and Day: 7 p.m. Mondays

Location: Zoom

Leaders: Deacon Jeff Roper and Louise Brinegar

Restoration Project (TRP)

The Restoration Project is a national movement within the Episcopal Church calling our people back to the basic practices of the church by following the 12 steps of humility of St. Benedict within the framework of the small group. The members of each small group within TRP commit to seven vows to work toward lives with regular prayer, worship, service to the poor, generosity, learning, discerning of call and commitment to the discipleship group’s members.

* This group is on hiatus. Please email formation@stjameswichita.org if you are interested in learning more.

Young Family Fellowship (YFF)

Young Family Fellowship (YFF) is currently on hiatus for the 2020-2021 program year. We hope to be back together in October 2021.

What is Young Family Fellowship? Young Family Fellowship is for parents, parents-to-be and parents-in-waiting of young children and youth. We gather together every Sunday that Sunday school is in session from 9:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m. for refreshments and fellowship time. There is no agenda — just a time for us to gather together, tell funny stories, support each other, and generally have fun.

We’d love for you to join us and help our group grow! We are currently looking for a leader for this group. Please contact Chelsea Whipple if you are interested.


Previous Bible Studies Topics

  • Summer Speaker Series Recap: 2019
  • The Universal Christ Retreat
  • Funeral Planning Workshop
  • Savoring the F.R.U.I.T. of the Spirit
  • Discerning Our Spiritual Gifts
  • What is the Bible? by Rob Bell
  • Half-Truths by Adam Hamilton
  • The Theology of John Shelby Spong: Modern Intellect Meets Traditional Christianity
  • What have they done with my church? Examining last 50 years in the Episcopal Church

Bible Study Topics Continued…

  • Spiritual Companions Group
  • Introduction to Christian Meditation
  • Heart of Christianity, by Marcus Borg.
  • Accidental Saints, by Lutheran pastor Nadia Bolz-Weber.
  • Wednesday Evening Bible Study: Forgiveness in the Gospels, Examples of faith from Hebrews 11, The Miracles of Jesus, Palestine during the time of Jesus.
  • Thursday Morning Bible Study: God’s Spirit-ed People: Prophecy, Dreams and Visions in the Hebrew Bible; Saving Salvation; Traveling the Birth Narrative from the Gospels of Matthew and Luke.
  • Adult Forum: The Way of Love, Nicene Creed, Beatitudes


If you’d like more information about our adult ministries, please contact Chelsea Whipple, Director of Programs. 


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